The Government of Nepal in collaboration with the Government of Switzerland is implementing Small Irrigation Programme (SIP) in 9 districts of Nepal. SIP will develop or improve irrigation facilities to approximately 15000 hectare through a community-driven process targeted to the poor, women and disadvantaged groups.The participating districts include Achham, Dailekh, Jajarkot, Kalikot in the Far and Mid-Western Regions and Ramechhap, Okhaldhunga, Khotang, Udayapur and Sindhuli in the Central and Eastern Regions. The project duration of SIP is from 10 February 2015 to 28 February 2019. The expected impact of the programme is to increase agricultural income of rural poor especially the disadvantaged groups in Nepal. It is expected that per capita agricultural income will increase by 40% and the poverty will be reduced by 10% in the areas of intervention. Two outcomes of the programme are:

  1. Small farmers especially from disadvantaged groups increase their productivity by managing and maintaining Farmers Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS). It is expected the yields of the major crops will increase by at least 30% in project areas and cropping intensity in irrigated areas will increase by at least 30% on average.
  2. National (DoLIDAR) and Local Governments (DDCs/VDCs) respond to priority needs of FMIS. Uniform procedures and processes are expected to be available for scheme selection, design of interventions, budgeting, construction and post construction support. Also programme districts will follow a one window system in planning, budgeting, implementation and monitoring of small irrigation schemes.

For more information contact:
Project Coordination Unit (PCU), Small Irrigation and River Control and Other Infrastructure Section (SIRCOIS) of DoLIDAR or visit website